April 8th to 10th 2025

Topics Zorg & ICT

Jaarbeurs | Utrecht

Central theme 'Fit for the future'

Zorg & ict is the annual meeting place for thousands of professionals from various healthcare sectors to be informed and inspired by smart technologies and innovative solutions that contribute to the transformation of healthcare. Together, we are working towards a sustainable and future-proof healthcare system, aiming to become ‘fit for the future’!

During Zorg & ict 2025, there were once again engaging keynotes and best practices on six important topics:

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Cybersecurity
  • Data availability
  • Health IoT
  • Virtual care
  • Remote healthcare

Artificial Intelligence

Hardly any sector gathers and processes as much data as healthcare. By applying algorithms to this data, groundbreaking new insights emerge. Artificial intelligence thus unveils patterns and correlations that were previously hidden. Diseases can be detected and treated earlier. For instance, AI enables the prediction crowdedness of emergency rooms. The promises seem boundless. But where are the limits? And what are the risks? Legislation is actively being developed in the Netherlands and Europe. What will still be allowed and what will no longer be permitted with AI?


Every year, hundreds of healthcare organizations worldwide face cybercrime, a number that continues to grow, including in the Netherlands. When considering the thousands of data breaches that occur monthly, the importance of cybersecurity becomes evident. Yet, healthcare organizations often appear inadequately prepared. Even at an organizational level, policies are frequently lacking, leading to potential serious consequences. Disruption of healthcare processes, damage to reputation, and financial losses due to ransom payments are among these consequences. Additionally, the Authority Personal Data (AP)  can impose fines of up to 5 percent of the annual turnover for negligence. What can be done to enhance digital resilience and protect patient data? At Zorg & ict, experts, providers, and users will share the latest insights and experiences

Data availability

Since the approval of the Wegiz, electronic data exchange has become the legal standard in healthcare. However, this by no means ensures that every healthcare provider always has access to the desired patient information. The field unanimously agrees on the necessity regarding the importance of smooth electronic transfer. For proper care, healthcare providers need complete and up-to-date patient data. However, reality poses challenges. Closed systems and organizational fragmentation hinder data exchange. How can the healthcare sector overcome the obstacles toward effective digital data exchange? What’s necessary to enable the ‘free flow’ of digital information? Should the government take a stricter regulatory role? What are the respective roles of suppliers, healthcare providers, and patients? Attend Zorg & ict 2024 for answers to these questions.

Health Iot

Whether it’s the step counter or cycling app Strava, ‘networked’ devices measuring and recording our body functions, sharing data via the internet, have become an integral part of daily life. This Internet of Things (IoT) presents healthcare with unprecedented opportunities. Where costly hospital investigations were once necessary, doctors can now remotely monitor and even treat patients. ‘Speaking’ implants, a camera pill, or smart home technology that keeps elderly individuals company—the possibilities are endless. However, at the intersection of health, care, and the economic market, friction can arise. Who is responsible for the safety and reliability of all these smart devices? What happens to all the data they collect?

Virtual care

Making adjustments to the human body without risk to the patient. Drug trials without harmful side effects. It’s all possible in the virtual worlds created through augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR).

Whether in research, education, or clinical practice, Extended Reality (ER) makes healthcare more efficient and safer. At least, that’s the promise of this rapidly evolving technology.

What’s necessary to fulfill this promise? What does whole or partial virtual healthcare environment means for the relationship between the healthcare provider and patient? Where does virtual enhancement turn into a depletion of healthcare?

At Zorg & ict, visitors will find answers to these and other questions. Explore the latest ER technology firsthand.


'Zorg op afstand' is een van de zes actuele topics die centraal staan tijdens Zorg & ict 2024.

Remote care

The hospital of tomorrow resides at the patient’s home. More and more healthcare providers and patients are embracing remote care, including long-term care. District nurses increasingly pay virtual visits.

This growth will rapidly continue in the upcoming years. Health insurance companies are establishing strict agreements with hospitals to transfer hospital care. Patients often prefer care in their own surroundings over visiting a hospital. Moreover, technological aids such as smartphones and tablets are making remote care increasingly accessible.

Nevertheless, healthcare providers struggle with this concept. What benefits does remote care offer them? What will they do with all those expensive square meters in the future? Citizens question whether remote care is always suitable for everyone.